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Go2Get Network ARCHIVE - Typical Use

Go2Get Network ARCHIVE Server Suite
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Go2Get Network ARCHIVE is a multi-user, multi-language system to quickly archive and classify files. It is optimized for SOHO (Small Office Home Office) environments, where it will be installed on ten or less computers. In larger installations, the default configuration parameters may require adjustment.

Several unique features, such as the ability to send/receive emails by the computers not connected to the Internet (Ricochet), modify scanned documents (Overlay Editor), make notes, categorize or search documents using multiple languages, change and translate on-line Help or an entire application, make it an indispensable tool in today's global economy.

Typical Use of ARCHIVE

  • Photos (to preserve, organize and classify them by dates and multiple categories)
  • Checks (banks no longer return your original checks)
  • Receipts (most receipts fade within months)
  • Credit Cards (to quickly find the telephone number of the bank, if lost or stolen)
  • Tax Returns, Bank Statements (IRS keeps copies only for the last 7 years, yet sometimes you are required to present them for a longer period of time)
  • Valuable Items, such as jewelry and electronics (for Insurance Company)
  • Recipies, Prescriptions, Newspaper Clips (to quickly find them by categories, full-text search, dates)
  • Outgoing Mail, such as utility bills, etc.. (as a proof of when it was sent and to what address)
  • Contracts, Leases (to quickly find them by full-text search, categories, dates)
  • Reduce or Eliminate Paperwork (per Paper Reduction Act)
  • Email (to be independent of your Internet Service Provider's quotas on Email disk usage)
  • Privacy (to keep personal documents, like medical or financial records, private)
  • Security (to keep your data on the computer permanently disconnected from the Internet without losing the ability to receive or email documents and photos)

For more detailed technical information to see how the ARCHIVE would fit into your existing infrastructure, please click here.